Steps to integrate Login with facebook in your app
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Step 1:
Download Facebook SDK and import it to in eclipse.
Step 2:
Generate a keyytool for your project or app.
For Ubuntu : keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
Step 3:
Create app for in facebook.
Go to developer.facebook into menu -- app -- Create a New app. and click button 'Create app' it will create your app.
Step 4:
Than go to 'Settings' and click 'Add Platform' and select android.
In that provide your project(app) package name and class name and add generated Key Hashes.
--One more thing dont forgot to add "Contact Email".
Step 5:
Than go to 'Status and Review'.
Enable or On the - Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?
Step 6:
Now you create new project in android or add below things in your porject:
- Map FacebookSdk in your project add as library project.
- Add your application id which is generated in developer.facebook in your string.xml as 'app_id'.
- Add below things in your AndroidManifeat.xml
Enjoy... :)
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